Life is an absurd game, we are here to live, and however vigorous we may look, we’re actually way more fragile than the grass flowing with the wind. Antonioni is such a slow-rhythm director, I could summarize this picture with an ancient Chinese 佛偈:「本來無一物,何處惹塵埃。」 but this seems more or less 偏離 from his theme- searching for the life’s meaning.
室友用电脑放的 翻译很烂剧情也不知什么鬼 Dead Rising游戏改编的么 有两个镜头蛮有意思的:女主对停车场瞟见婚纱装扮的丧尸眼神有一丝怅然;男主开启癫狂模式斩杀丧尸的伪长镜头