E01:一上来就想骂人了!Richard! You fucking PRICK!!! Richard这个人设也是不懂了,一开始仗着自己是CEO就开始纳粹,到最后自己又主动退出,变成大无畏,自私和无私可以在一个人身上并存?E05: Tech is reserved for people like me. Okay? The freaks, the weirdos, the misfits, the geeks, the dweebs, the dorks! Not you. Richard真的是很矛盾的一个人,有时候觉得他唯唯诺诺什么都不敢说,但真的说出来又霸气十足,Tech是他的底线,就和TAB一样,绝对不会让步的。
《The Beauty Inside奇幻心旅》全集total 40 minutes+. being good looking opens doors no matter who you are.挞着和结尾的都是... All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware-Martin Buber