泰莎·汤普森,鲁丝·内伽,安德烈·霍兰,比尔·坎普,格本加·阿金纳格贝,安托瓦内特·克罗-拉杰西,亚历山大·斯卡斯加德,Justus Davis Graham,Ethan Barrett,Ashley Ware Jenkins,Stu S. Becker,Tom White,Margaret Daly,Kerry Flanagan,Buzz Roddy,桃乐丝·麦卡锡
Many plot lines going on in this season, all not exactly well written and rather 鬆散。but E11 Dyatkovo. Lovely to see Martha’s return - was a very pleasant surprise. This season’s soviet like was explored much more - and how Philip and Oleg’s 心路歷程 change as they discover more about their country.