好几个喜欢的场景和好几段喜欢的casual talk。问到Mark Jarvis是不是也属于common people,Mark狡猾一笑说he has the potential to be. 一群老衣服老姐姐们合唱I want to live like common people / I want to do whatever common people do. 老爷爷老奶奶们合唱in the meantime we try, try to forget that nothing lasts for ever / no big deal / so give us all a feel / funny how it all falls away. 如果有有生之年能亲眼看到贾叔...以及想去谢菲尔德...
垃圾的中文片名。故事好温暖。这十来岁的孩子间的温暖太纯真与明亮,于是反而让我无法不伤感。Dex夜里醒来对黑暗的那段描述,让我伤心到不行。最后Dex的妈妈跟Erik的妈妈说“两件事”那一段,我的眼泪哗哗的流。Goodbye My Friend!