看到快最终回了都不知道如何概述这部神奇的剧。总之每次带着exo me 的表情看完之后,都会莫名其妙情绪崩溃哭上一场,自己都知道为什么。
TOS!!!pink floys!!!time in a bottle!!!老年组发糖在电影院叫出声!!!一刷团看福利多多,跟同好们兴奋点十分一致。二刷和beingpp很爽【翻译真是掀桌,哨兵哨兵的叫,你让sentry怎么办!
So much wit! Fun and enlightening! 金句频出啊!S5E22 Amy’s wedding vow: Life is unpredictable, not everything’s in our control. But as long as you’re with the right people, you can handle anything. S6E04 Gina: Just because you wanna do something doesn’t mean you get to do it. Life is chaos, success is completely arbitrary, and confidence is everything.