“One thing that I’ve learned about love, is that it is a lot like moving to a new country, trying to build something where nothing existed before. It’s hanging on and letting go. It’s messy, it’s beautiful, like any giant leap of faith.”
将这部近乎悲壮的自传式电影当作卓别林朝圣之旅的终章最合适不过。在他的诸多经典里,《舞台春秋》最不具备“喜剧”的性质,它是一个迟暮英雄的喃喃自语,也是一个失落老人的诚恳告白,卓别林心酸地描摹了一个过气的笑星形象,依然努力地做出丰富的肢体语言,可是默片的岁月已经悄然流过,他也不得不走向自己艺术生涯的尽头。一代宗师卓别林献给这个世界的谢幕就是如此,say goodbye to Charlie Chaplin and the Golden Time.