3.5 i watched it like i fell asleep, slowly and then all at once. First,i felt in love with the first half of the book only to be disappointed with the rest; second, as film it isn't as good as NOW IS GOOD of the same genre. third, it deletes my favorite scene in the book.
其实整部剧为了刻画法国大革命的事件显得有些主次不清,罗南和奥利普的人物刻画与爱情线不是很能说服我。但是舞美、群舞和歌曲真的太优秀了,每一首歌都好听,最喜欢妹妹那首 je veux le monde。最后宣读《人权宣言》的那一刻就注定这部剧值得五星。